السبت، 14 يناير 2017

"Mercedes AMG" opens showroom integrated with the world for the first time in Japan, Mercedes-AMG

2016 was full of success for Mercedes AMG after the expansion of their product line, and after that they started to press ahead with the opening of Astaratejathm hall is dedicated to the presentation of Mercedes High Performance ..
There are 400 centers around the world has been opened in over 9 years in 40 countries in the world for AMG but they all offer along with the Mercedes-Benz products, lounge AMG new is a dedicated shop full of their products has been opened in Tokyo Setagaya Province and later this year will be the opening of other similar lounge in Sydney, Australia ..
We have the new store's Japan model Mercedes AMG GT R which engine turbo twin 4-liter V8 V power of 577 horsepower and 516 pound-feet of torque and accelerates from zero to 100 km by 3.6 seconds and up to a maximum speed of 318 kilometers per hour.
In any case, GT R will not remain the topping on the throne of AMG family of performance, as the maker of the German car up its sleeve hybrid car superhero denoted by "Project One", will derive their energy from the Formula One engine 1 capacity of 1.6-liter 6-cylinder V along with Motor together electrical output will be no less than 1,000 horsepower and will produce 200-300 such units only and will be introduced during the second half of this year.

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